USA Salon 01 juillet - 31 octobre 2019

Dorte Verner will show her latest work from around the world in a solo exhibition in Air France Business Lounge in JFK Airport in New York

People and Places is a documentary-photography series by Dorte Verner about children, women and men who make the world a more interesting place. The images are usually of people in their environment and often include elements of art and culture. This exhibit captures the richness and beauty of faraway places and the resilience and vulnerabilities of people whose livelihoods are under threat.  These portraits make the invisible visible. This exhibit, printed exclusively on Canson Infinity digital fine art paper, is an invitation to discover people and places and preserve our planet.

Dorte Verner is an award-winning photographer, with a passion for exploring the world’s most remote corners.  Dorte’s photography focuses on bringing attention to people who don’t make the news but have important knowledge and experiences to share. She captures their strength and beauty through intimate moments. Dorte's specializes in environmental portraits and draws her inspiration from the life and livelihood of people living in extreme situations Dorte has a passion for international development. She holds a Ph.D. in economics, works for the World Bank, and is a self-taught photographer.  Dorte is also a Fellow of The Explorers Club.  
Dorte Verner launchs A Solo Exhibition in New York

Useful information

Air France Business Lounge, JFK Airport, New York

(+1) 202 2478086

Website and social media links:
Instagram: Dortevernerphotography
Facebook: Dortevernerphotography
Twitter: DorteVerner


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