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  • 20 Jun 03 Jul 2023
    Tokoshie Hiroshi Yoshida - 永 - tokoshie Hiroshi Yoshida
    Japão Exposição

    Tokoshie Hiroshi Yoshida - 永 - tokoshie Hiroshi Yoshida

    Hiroshi Yoshida uses rock balancing as a technique to create sculptures of stone and water under the theme of "harmony with nature." As a rock balancer, he has one of the longest careers in Japan and participates in world competitions held in various countries. - Hiroshi Yoshidaはロックバランシングを技法にして、「自然との調和」をテーマに石と水の造形作品を制作している。 彼はロックバランサーとしては国内で最も長い経歴を持つひとりで、各国で行われている世界大会に参加している。
  • 17 Jun 15 Jul 2023
    Exposition « Bleu et autres pérégrinations »
    França Exposição

    Exposition « Bleu et autres pérégrinations »

    Polaroids d’Alain Guillemaud
  • 08 Jun 19 Jun 2023
    Rail India Koji Yoneya Photo Exhibition - Rail India 米屋 こうじ写真展
    Japão Exposição

    Rail India Koji Yoneya Photo Exhibition - Rail India 米屋 こうじ写真展

    Koji Yoneya is a photographer who travels around the world looking for connections between people and railways in the scenery of the world. - 米屋こうじは、世界の風景の中に人と鉄道のつながりを探して世界中を旅する写真家である
  • 05 Maio 2023
    The Adventures of Tamarind and Bandit: 大猫物語 Bakeneko Monogatari, A photo exhibition by Satomi Sugiyama at The Icon
    USA Exposição

    The Adventures of Tamarind and Bandit: 大猫物語 Bakeneko Monogatari, A photo exhibition by Satomi Sugiyama at The Icon

    Canson Infinity Certified Print Lab, The Icon in Los Angeles, to showcase Artist Satomi Sugiyama's newest exhibition printed on Platine Fibre Rag: The Adventures of Tamarind and Bandit: 大猫物語 Bakeneko Monogatari
  • 28 Abr 30 Set 2023
    « Des matières et des atmosphères »  photographies Bruno Paccard, à Lyon
    França Exposição

    « Des matières et des atmosphères » photographies Bruno Paccard, à Lyon

    Les Archives municipales de Lyon présentent une rétrospective des photographies de Bruno Paccard.