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  • 11 Avr 04 mai 2019
    Loud and Luminous  2019
    Australie Exposition

    Loud and Luminous 2019

    Loud and Luminous 2019 celebrates the contribution of contemporary women in the photographic arts in Australia. The project has been printed on Canson® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag.
  • 11 Avr 01 Aoû 2019
    Axel Ruhomaully launches his Solo Exhibition in Russia on the occasion of  'Cosmonautics Day'
    Russie Exposition

    Axel Ruhomaully launches his Solo Exhibition in Russia on the occasion of 'Cosmonautics Day'

    Space artifacts of Museum of the History of Cosmonautics exhibited in Axel Ruhomaully Solo Exhibiton in Kaluga
  • 11 Avr 22 Avr 2019
    Viaje fotográfico a China y Tíbet
    Autre Workshop

    Viaje fotográfico a China y Tíbet

    El fotógrafo de National Geographic Tino Soriano organiza un viaje de 12 días por China y el Tíbet - Viaje fotográfico en Semana Santa
  • 10 Avr 31 mai 2019
    Canson Infinity sponsors New ZEKE Award for Documentary Photography
    Monde entier Concours – Prix

    Canson Infinity sponsors New ZEKE Award for Documentary Photography

    The Call for Entries for the new ZEKE Award for Documentary Photography is now open and the deadline is 31st May 2019.
  • 05 Avr 07 Avr 2019
    Exposition "CLIQUETIS" à Bourg en Bresse
    France Festival

    Exposition "CLIQUETIS" à Bourg en Bresse

    Exposition de photographie de cachalots de Stéphane Granzotto