Grafik & Foto, at Præstø (Denmark), just received certification as a "Canson® Infinity Certified Print Lab".
"Firmaets fulde navn er "Peter Wolff Grafik & Foto". Vi bor i det smukke Præstø på Sydsjælland på åbne marker ved skov og fjord. 
Peter WolffJeg har i årevis beskæftiget mig med kunstfotografi og laver selv udstillinger i kunstforeninger og har deltaget på censurerede udstillinger."
Grafik & Foto
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We congratulate them on this certification and welcome them into the Canson® Infinity world!

What is a "Canson® Infinity Certified Print Lab"?

"Canson® Infinity Certified Print Lab" is the international certification that guarantees the "high quality" standard of the work of the printing plants (Photo Laboratories) while ensuring compliance with technical criteria during audits conducted in each laboratory.

Thanks to this certification, you can choose the best service provider to produce your Digital Fine Art & Photo print jobs while ensuring constant and impeccable quality at all stages of production. 

To learn more "Canson Infinity Certified Print Lab
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