"Technological progress can sometimes significantly change how an artist expresses themselves. My struggle has always been to maintain my style regardless of the technology I use for my photography. The advent of digital technology has triggered one of the major efforts that this decision has involved in my work. The creation of the complete range of Canson® Infinity papers has literally opens new vistas to visitors to my exhibitions who do not necessarily know the technology I used for each of my photos."


Enric Santos studied architecture and nuclear physics in Barcelona. In 1975, he discovered photography and abandoned his job to devote himself to art. He has taught at the Institut de Catalunya et d'Estudis Fotografics and now teaches at the IDEP School of Photography of Barcelona. He alternates lecturing with personal workshops and works with the "La Fotografía Actual Digital" and "La Fotografía Social", two magazines published by Artual Ediciones SL.


He is the founder of "La Primavera Photo de Catalunya" and "Primeras Jornadas Fotográficas".


Notable among his 26 photography books are "El Negativo", "Fotografía Digital FineArt en Blanco y Negro", "Evolocuón Técnica de la Fotografía" and the latest, "Fotografía Digital en Exteriores".


His work has been shown in 150 exhibitions in Europe, Russia, Japan, Africa and the United States.

All rights reserved. © Enric Santos