"I was introduced to Canson® Infinity papers back in 2010 when collaborating on a project with fellow photographers Peter Eastway, Les Walkling and Tony Hewitt.  At the time I was using other papers not really thinking it made much difference to my final print. We were printing all our own work but not doing it as well as we could have. So here I am with three of Australias top professionals and they showed me the benefit of quality papers and profiles. My favourite soon became Rag Photographique. I loved the smooth finish and the way it made my work hit a higher level of professionalism. The colours were more vibrant the tones were smoother and the blacks were so deep and rich I couldn’t believe I was printing on a matte paper. One other benefit I found from using this paper was there was no reflection off the surface of the print. When they were framed it had cut down the amount of reflection by half. You could look at the surface of the print under glass and not see any hint of the surface at all. This made the colours pop even more and the blacks so rich, I knew it was the paper I would use forever. To this day all our framed pieces in the gallery are printed on Rag Photographique. I don’t think I will be changing anytime soon."

Christian Fletcher has been a professional photographer for more than 28 years and still retains all of the passion and enthusiasm for taking a great photograph. At the core are three aspects of his photography: capturing the beauty in landscapes, teaching his technical skills to others, and using his photography to reinforce the connections we all have with our natural environment.
For more information: www.christianfletcher.com.au/profile

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