Having been introduced to Canson® Infinity Digital Fine Art and Photo papers some three years ago I quickly became convinced of the quality of the range. I have used Canson® Infinity papers for all my printing and have garnered many awards in international photographic exhibitions including top monochrome and colour print awards in eight exhibitions. Some of my favorite papers include Platine Fibre Rag, Baryta Photographique, PrintMaKing Rag and Aquarelle Rag. I would recommend Canson® Infinity Digital Fine Art and Photo papers without hesitation.

Brian Hopper was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1956. At present he is based in Blackrock , County Louth, Ireland. Brian has had a life-long interest in photography and tries not to be pigeon- holed into any particular genre. Photography is a means of expression for Brian, whether that is through the challenge of capturing the perfect photograph or creating the perfect image.

In recent years Brian has taken to the challenge of international photographic exhibitions and has had his work accepted and exhibited in some 52 countries around the world. Indeed, he has amassed close to 2000 acceptances with 230 awards in these competitions.

On average an international exhibition would attract some 6500 entries from around the world and to have your work chosen for an award is special - to be placed as the top image in these exhibitions is no mean achievement - Brian has managed this fete in eight international exhibitions and has attained the title of "Best Author" in nine separate salons.

Brian attributes his success to his attention to detail and also to his choice in print media. Canson Infinity Digital Fine art and Photo papers are his paper of choice and he firmly attributes his success to the use of some of the best papers on the market today.
