As a professional filmmaker and photographer, Stéphane Granzotto has made over forty documentaries for French and foreign TV stations. Having won many awards in prestigious festivals (Palme d’argent at the Festival Mondial de l’Image Sous-Marine, First prize at the Festival International du Film de Montagne des Diablerets, Grand prize at Belgrade film festival, etc…), his films are often about subjects relating to nature. Recently, with François Sarano (co-author of the film Océans by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzeaud, former scientific director of Commandant Cousteau reserve for the Calypso missions), he has made two documentaries for the “Grandeur Nature” series for France 2: “The Mediterranean, the Lost Kingdom of the Dolphins” and “Dancing with Dolphins”.
A filmmaker, but also photographer! Stéphane is passionate about photography. As a professional photographer, he is particularly interested in the underwater world. He is currently working on two book projects: a photo book on
sperm whales and a book about freshwater environments.
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