"My favorite Canson® Infinity paper is Platine Fibre Rag. It beautifully handles blacks, whites, and saturation of colors. Its resemblance to traditional silver halide prints makes it a timeless and versatile choice."

Photography is for me not only a means of expression but a reflection of humanity itself. I believe that there are photographs that illustrate specific points in our timeline and some that reveal a more timeless aspect. However it may be, photography gives the creator and the viewer a broader perspective on what it means to be human.

For a work of art to have an identifying feature, the artist has to possess a unique way of recognizing patterns around their subject matter, a thing that illustrates something which no one else has seen before. With this in mind, I am still finding my way on the quest for making meaningful photography. I have not clearly defined my subject matter, and therefore, my portfolio is very ample.
One thing that I do know is that there are many tools to use in one's quest for perfection, and the end game is to strive for the best we can do with the technology at our disposal. Just as meaningful -or even more so- than the camera and processing software we use, is the way of presenting our work.

I have owned and operated a printing studio for a couple of years, and have used a wide array of papers, I have found that Canson® Infinity has unrivaled quality in texture, color saturation, and diversity throughout the line. When a client asks for my advice on what paper to print on, my answer is always the same; Canson® infinity is head and shoulders above the competition.

Web Site: www.diegocespedes.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cespedesdcg/
All rights reserved © Diego Cespedes G