Canson® Infinity Baryta Photographique II Matt 310 gsm

The Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique II Matt paper has an extremely smooth surface with a totally matt finish which, due to the lack of grain interference, accentuates the detail in the printed image. The matt surface also has no light reflection from any viewing angle, ideal for photographers or artists that wish to display their final work. 

Although Baryta Photographique II Matt is classed as a digital darkroom photo paper, it should be printed using Matt Black ink as opposed to Photo Black ink. With an extremely high D-Max, or black density, equivalent to that of a digital fine art matt paper, the paper offers exceptional contrast and depth, as well as colours with vibrancy and intensity. 

The paper has the same true barium sulphate layer (baryta), as Baryta Photographique II, and benefits from the improved handling of the paper introduced in the second generation of this digital darkroom paper. Baryta Photographique II Matt is made on a traditional photographic alpha-cellulose base which adds to the authentic feel of a darkroom paper. 

The Canson® Infinity Baryta Photographique II Matt offers photographers and printmakers a unique aesthetic and feel.

  • 产品型号和规格
  • 技术规格
致Baryta Photographique II Matt
C4001104905" x 7"Box - 25 sheets
C4001104918.5" x 11"Pochette - 10 sheets*
C4001104928.5" x 11"Box - 25 sheets*
C40011049511" x 17"
27,9 x 43,2 cm
Box - 25 sheets*
C40011049917" x 22"
43.2 x 55.9 cm
Box - 25 sheets*
C400110493A4Pochette - 10 sheets
C400110494A4Box - 25 sheets
C400110496A3Box - 25 sheets
C40011049713”x 19”
Box - 25 sheets
C400110498A2Box - 25 sheets
C40011050017" x 50'
0.432 x 15.24m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C40011050124" x 50'
0.610 x 15.24m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C40011050236" x 50'
0.914 x 15.24m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C40011050344" x 50'
1.118 x 15.24m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C40011050450" x 50'
1.270 x 15.24m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C40011059860" x 50'
1.524 x 15.24m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C76251106624" x 39'
0.610 x 12m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C76251106736" x 39'
0.914 x 12m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core
C76251106844" x 39'
1.118 x 12m
1 Roll - 3" (7.62cm) Core

*USA only

致Baryta Photographique II Matt
重量 (g/m²) 310
厚度 (um) 324
表面触感 超光滑
表面处理 哑光
成分 100% α-纤维素
CIE白度 100,70
荧光增白剂 少量
干燥时间 即时
不透明ISO2471 99,40

- Paper base meet the requirement of ISO 9706
- Contains barium sulphate
- Optimised for pigmented inks. Compatible with dye inks.

- FSC certified 


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    Baryta Prestige

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  • Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique II

    Baryta Photographique II
