荷兰 沙龙 01 七月 - 25 九月 2022

Saskia Boelsums's Love for landscapes exhibition, printed exclusively on Platine Fibre Rag, will be on display at Museum JAN

The retrospective exhibition Saskia Boelsums – Love for landscapes shows picturesque landscapes, photographed and edited by artist Saskia Boelsums. 

‘Everything comes together in my landscapes - the things I like, the things I have learned, the things I am passionate about,' the artist explains.

Love for landscapes

Love for Landscapes

Useful Information

Museum JAN
50 Dorpsstraat Amstelveen, NH, 1182 JE Netherlands 


In her artworks, Boelsums creates her own reality. She takes pictures of landscapes that fascinate her and then spends weeks, sometimes months, working on them. Pixel by pixel.

Her method of manual post-processing evokes an atmosphere that is perceived as both picturesque and poetic. She does not show an objectively perceivable reality, but rather an impressionistic and personal experience. In her works, she builds on the art-historical painting tradition of romanticised and impetuous landscapes, such as the watercolours of Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch, the cloudscapes of John Constable and the paintings of the Barbizon School. 

©Saskia Boelsum

©Saskia Boelsums

