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  • 15 4月 15 5月 2020
    Photographes unis face au COVID-19
    法国 其它

    Photographes unis face au COVID-19

    Pour faire face à l’épidémie de Covid-19, les photographes s’unissent pour une vente exceptionnelle de tirages dont la totalité des bénéfices sera reversée à la Fondation de France
  • 30 3月 04 6月 2020
    FREE Canson Infinity On-Line Educational Program
    全世界 工作研讨室

    FREE Canson Infinity On-Line Educational Program

    Discover a series of FREE educational seminars that will help you hone your skills through the capture, edit and print process.
  • 28 3月 2020
    Join the Mostra fotografica LEICA PASSION GROUP in Milano
    意大利 竞赛-价格

    Join the Mostra fotografica LEICA PASSION GROUP in Milano

    Il “Leica-Passion Group” è un gruppo, nato su Facebook, di appassionati di fotografia e del famoso ed iconico brand tedesco.
  • 14 3月 15 3月 2020
    Printing Workshop presented by print guru Eric Joseph
    美国 工作研讨室

    Printing Workshop presented by print guru Eric Joseph

    Eric Joseph presents 'What you don't know that you need to know about print workshop' : learn and improve your technic about printmaking.
  • 11 3月 2020
    Printing MasterClass by Print Guru Eric Joseph at the California Center for Digital Arts
    美国 工作研讨室

    Printing MasterClass by Print Guru Eric Joseph at the California Center for Digital Arts

    Eric Joseph presents 'What you don't know that you need to know' print workshop